Stephen and Brenna Engagement Session – March 2017


March 30, 2017

Brenna and I have been back and forth for a while now on an exact date for her wedding and where she wants to get married. Stephen works in the US as an engineer and most of the planning is her responsibility. She said she’s put many miles on her car driving from here to there trying to figure out all the details. Luckily, Stephen was going to be home for a short visit so we planned her engagement session. With the weather in Cape Breton, you never know what you’re going to get. We started at Wentworth Perk and the plan after that was to head to Mira Gut beach. That idea didn’t last long due to the frigid temperatures. None of us wanted to stand on a snow covered, windy beach with -15 degree windchill. Brenna’s family owns a horse farm in Prime Brook with over 40 horses and a few barns so that was where we ventured to finish off their session. It really is overwhelming seeing that many horses around but you quickly adapt and just shoot around them. I even got to meet the most adorable little husky puppy who wanted in on the photo session. She hopped in my car at one point so I took her for a drive to the next barn. I wanted to keep driving and take her home but I stopped myself. The light on the farm was beautiful and we managed to get some gorgeous shots. Stephen and Brenna were game for anything and luckily young enough to jump on huge hay bails. Getting down didn’t prove to be too easy for Stephen though. Next time you see him you can ask him about that.

All in all it was a fun, beautiful day and we were  happy with what we manage to accomplish on such a brisk afternoon. Their summer wedding is going to be at one of my favourite locations, Inverary Inn, Baddeck. I’m sure it will be a lot warmer than their engagement session. I can’t wait to work with these guys again.

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