When Samantha contacted me saying she was from out of town and wanted to do an engagement session where Ryan had proposed to her, I was really excited. I love meeting people from out of province and showing them what an amazing island we live on. But, when she said the photos were going to be on the Skyline Trail I panicked a bit. My sister told me what a hard trail it was when she did it years ago. I thought to myself, “how in the heck am I going to be able to hike this hard trail with my camera gear and not look like a sweaty mess”. I gathered my strength , said yes and I’m so glad I did. What a gorgeous place! I am missing out on so many beautiful places because I am too insecure to think I can actually make it. I made it that day and I wasn’t a hot sweaty mess. In fact, the trail wasn’t that hard. It was just magnificent. I need to get out of my comfort zone more often and challenge myself. There’s so much to see and so little time.