Do you work with a second shooter?

A second shooter is available for $250

Do you edit the images before we receive them?

Yes all of the images you receive will be edited.

Can we have all the photos you took, even the unedited photos?

No. The only images you receive are chosen by me and edited by me. All files are in RAW format until converted so most people couldn't use them anyway.

Do you travel for weddings?

Yes I will travel to wherever your wedding is. The expenses work this way: if it involves airfare, hotel, driving, car rental, you are responsible for direct reimbursement of the charges.

How long does it take to get our images?

I try to give a sneak peek via Facebook or email within the first couple of days after your wedding. The final product will be delivered within three months of the wedding date.

Can you hold the date for me?

 Only with a paid retainer. Dates are reserved by retainer on a first come , first served basis.

Can we make payments?

Yes of course. You can make payments of whatever you like leading up to the wedding. Final payment is due on the day of the wedding.

The wedding is cancelled. Do I get my retainer back?

No. The retainer held the date for you when other weddings may have been booked.

What if Covid cancels my wedding? Can I change the date?

Yes, you can make a one time change to another date I have open. A second postponement will require another non-refundable retainer that will still come off your wedding price.

Should we provide you with a meal at the supper?

It would be great if you could. Remember, your photographer is beside you all day and I get hungry too.